Post by amgadtoony:
I bought GM MDI2 and changed the USB but when I recover the firmware I got the message “the connection between MDI USB and the PC has been broken ”
So how can I solve this problem , you can see images
Reply by mattydr67:
Do you have an SD card in your interface?
If yes I suppose your sd card is defective.
GM MDI 2 it is pretty musch the same as a Ford VCM2
It happend once to me and after I repalced the DF card with a new 8Gb one and I formatted before plug it in I had a similar issues as you.
Or try to recover you MDI using previos GM MDI version ( as v8.3.103.26 or v8.3.103.39 )
Reply by amgadtoony
yes the device have an SD card slot but without cards when i opened it , do you think it is necessary to get a new one and try installation or may be the sd card is secured to the device with the ID or serial number , i will try and tell you
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