Here OBD2 show you the guide on how to connect Autel IM608 programmer to vehicle.The IMMO operations require connecting the MaxiIM IM608 tablet to the test vehicle through the MaxiFlash using the main cable and the included USB cable (2m).
To establish proper vehicle communication to the tablet, you need to perform the following steps:
1.Connect the MaxiFlash to the vehicle’s DLC for both communication and power source.
2.Connect the MaxiFlash to the tablet via BT pairing, or USB connection.
3.When the above steps are completed, check the VCI navigation button at the bottom bar on the screen, if a green check displays at the lower right corner, the Autel Scanner MaxiIM IM608 is ready to start vehicle diagnosis.
Vehicle Connection
The method used to connect the MaxiFlash to a vehicle’s DLC depends on the vehicle’s configuration as follows:
A vehicle equipped with an On-board Diagnostics Two (OBD II) management system supplies both communication and 12-volt power through a standardized J-1962 DLC.
A vehicle not equipped with an OBD II management system supplies communication through a DLC connection, and in some cases supplies 12-volt power through the cigarette lighter receptacle or a connection to the vehicle battery.
OBD II Vehicle Connection
This type of connection only requires the main cable without any additional adapter.
To connect to an OBD II vehicle
1.Connect the main cable’s female adapter to the Vehicle Data Connector on the MaxiFlash, and tighten the captive screws.
2.Connect the cable’s 16-pin male adapter to the vehicle’s DLC, which is generally located under the vehicle dashboard.
The vehicle’s DLC is not always located under the dashboard; refer to the user manual of the test vehicle for additional connection information.
Non-OBD II Vehicle Connection
This type of connection requires both the main cable and a required OBD I adapter for the specific vehicle being serviced.
There are three possible conditions for Non-OBD II vehicle connection:
DLC connection supplies both communication and power.
DLC connection supplies communication and power is to be supplied via the cigarette lighter connection.
DLC connection supplies communication and power is to be supplied via connection to the vehicle battery.
To connect to a Non-OBD II Vehicle
1.Connect the main cable’s female adapter to the Vehicle Data Connector on the MaxiFlash, and tighten the captive screws.
2.Locate the required OBD I adapter and connect its 16-pin jack to the main cable’s male adapter.
3.Connect the attached OBD I adapter to the vehicle’s DLC.
Some adapters may have more than one adapter or may have test leads instead of an adapter. Whatever the case, make the proper connection to the vehicle’s DLC as required.
To connect the cigarette lighter
1.Plug the DC power connector of the cigarette lighter into the DC power supply input port on the device.
2.Connect the male connector of the cigarette lighter into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter receptacle.
After the MaxiFlash is successfully connected to the vehicle, the Power LED on the device illuminates, and a brief beep sound will be heard.
VCI Connection
After the MaxiFlash is properly connected to the vehicle, the Power LED on the MaxiFlash illuminates solid green, and is ready to establish communication with the tablet.
The Wireless Diagnostic Interface supports two communication methods with the tablet: BT and USB.
Pairing Up via BT
Among all methods, BT pairing is recommended as the first choice for the communication between the tablet and the MaxiFlash. The working range for BT communication is about 210 feet (70 m); this means you can perform key programming and vehicle diagnosis freely around the workshop with greater convenience.
If you use more than one MaxiFlash to connect to the test vehicles when customers are many, you can perform key programming and vehicle diagnosis on various vehicles conveniently, by pairing the tablet separately to each of the MaxiFlash connected to the different test vehicles, via BT,without the need to repeat the plugging and unplugging procedure, which is unavoidable through traditional wired connection, thus saves you more time and provides more efficiency.
To pair up the tablet with the MaxiFlash via BT
1.If not already done, power up the tablet.
2.Select the VCI Manager application from the MaxiIM Job Menu.
3.When the VCI Manager application is opened, the device automatically starts scanning for available VCI devices around for BT pairing. The found devices are listed in the Setting section on the right side of the screen.
If no VCI device is found, this may indicate that the signal strength of the transmitter is too weak to be detected. In this case try to get closer to the device, or reposition the VCI device, and remove all possible objects that may cause signal interference. When done, tap the Scan button at the top right corner to start searching again.
4. The VCI device name displays as MaxiFlash suffixed with a serial number. Select the required device for pairing.
5. When pairing is successfully done, the connection status displayed to the right of the device name is shown as Paired.
6. Wait for a few seconds, and the VCI button on the system Navigation bar at the bottom of the screen shall display a green check,indicating the tablet is connected to the MaxiFlash, and is ready to perform vehicle diagnosis.Refer to BT Pairing on page 126 for additional information.
USB Cable Connection
The USB cable connection is a simple and quick way to establish communication between the tablet and the MaxiFlash. After properly connecting the USB cable from the tablet to the MaxiFlash, the VCI navigation button at the bottom bar of the screen shows a green check in a few seconds,and the USB LED on the MaxiFlash illuminates solid green, indicating the connection between the devices is successful.
The MaxiIM IM608 tablet is now ready to perform key programming and vehicle diagnosis.
No Communication Message
If the tablet is not connected to the MaxiFlash, an “Error” message displays. An “Error” message indicates the tablet is not communicating with the MaxiFlash, and so cannot gain access to the vehicle control module. In this case, you need to do the following check-ups:
Check if the MaxiFlash is powered on.
In case of wireless connection, check if the network is configured correctly, or if the right device has been paired.
If during the diagnosis process, communication is suddenly interrupted due to the loss of signal, check if there are any objects that causes signal interruption.
Check if the MaxiFlash is properly positioned. It is recommended to put the MaxiFlash with the front side up.
Try standing closer to the MaxiFlash to obtain more stable signals,and faster communication speed. In case of wired connection, check the cable connection between the tablet and the MaxiFlash.
Check if the green LED on the MaxiFlash is illuminated for BT or USB.
Check if the Error LED on the MaxiFlash is on, this may indicate there is a communication error between the devices, in this case try re-establishing the connection again; if this does not work, there may be a hardware problem with the device, in this case contact Autel or local distributor for technical support.
If the MaxiFlash is unable to establish a communication link, a prompt message displays with check instructions.
The following conditions are the possible causes for this massage to display:
The MaxiFlash is unable to establish a communication link with the vehicle.
You’ve selected a system for testing that the vehicle is not equipped with.
There is a loose connection.
There is a blown vehicle fuse.
There is a wiring fault on the vehicle, or the data cable or adapter.
There is a circuit fault in the data cable or adapter.
Incorrect vehicle identification was entered.
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